14 September 2012

Lets move on

A lot has been realised after the first prototype. People are more confident about ferrocement furniture (though not fully, but yes a bit more). Now I am ready to try something more adventurous and challenging. Something which works with the material and asks it what it wants to do.

For the next prototype, I have chosen fluidity as my inspiration. After making the first proto with fairly straight lines, now I want to explore curves, twists and turns in the material. (or maybe after restricted movement for many weeks, now I want to dance around literally and in work as well). Lets see how ferrocement reacts to this dance. So here are some of the inspiration pictures that I googled that match my idea of fluidity, organic, movement etc.

Catching up

The blog has been dead for quite some time now. A lot has happened. Expected and unexpected. Expected that happened and that didn’t happen. And unexpected that happened.

I had met with a minor accident while on my way to solar kitchen. I crashed into a bike from the opposite direction (rather we both crashed into each other). And the stupid thing about it is that it was gentle crash, nothing really violent like the ones in comics where the bikers are thrown at some distance with a crashing, screeching sound and all the drama. Yet, it managed to give me an injury that made me depend on others for the next few weeks. That part (depending on others) is worse than the injury itself. Now I can truly understand the pain of the elderly who have to depend on others for fairly simple tasks. Also, I had a first hand experience of being manoeuvred in a wheel chair at the airport and realise the efficiency of the airports at being wheel chair friendly.

I made these two illustrations illustrating first my frustration and then my amusement at peoples reactions and advices. 
 After the plaster, it felt so rigid and bound, like the pharaohs drawn in Egyptian art. 

The reaction of people who came to enquire was really amusing. Each one had a generous piece of advice to give, and an urge to know the exact details of how, when , where it happened. 

Ok enough of gaining of self pity and trying to hog on sympathy.

On the work front. Yes, I promised more to come for the prototyping process for the bench but nothing much has really happened to it. It still awaits finishing. I missed witnessing a major part of demoulding the piece and overturning it. I hope it will be finished soon.

A lot has been realised after the first prototype. People are more confident about ferrocement furniture (though not fully, but yes a bit more). Now I am ready to try something more adventurous and challenging. Something which works with the material and asks it what it wants to do.