26 July 2012


So the much awaited prototyping of the bench is done. Its can not be said done though because curing  for 20 days remains to be done. 

More coming soon

14 July 2012

Triangle Bench

I would start prototyping soon. After discussions with Tency and Meera, we decided to go with most simplest of designs to start with. So the triangle bench is the chosen one. It had started with exploring arrangements using tessellations. The initial forms, though visually pleasing they were not manufacturing friendly. So had to modify it a lot to allow easy construction. Being the first experiment, it has to be simplified and be a bit straightforward.

My starting point was interaction among people in public spaces. Also I was exploring modularity. I observed patterns in which people arrange themselves while in groups and interacting in absence of any furniture at different places.

09 July 2012

A huge chameleon at the beach. I dont know if it really was a chameleon.
If anyone knows what is it, please do tell me. But it was really beautiful.

A shell that looked like a peacock feather to me.

I see it is possible to enjoy on the beach even within the confines of  a burqa.